L to R: First 5 San Bernardino’s “the ABC’s of water safety” Infographic, First 5 San Bernardino Sun Safety Social Post, First 5 San Bernardino On-the-Move Digital Advertisement
First 5 San Bernardino (F5SB) launched another flagship campaign supporting our Child Health Strategic Priority Area called Kid Safe Summer. This bilingual four-month campaign from May through August promotes summer safety among San Bernardino County families in both English and Spanish.
Hot temperatures, fun in the water and more time on-the-go present a new set of dangers for kids that aren’t as prevalent in other seasons. F5SB released a collection of educational tools, tips and resources to help parents and caregivers keep little ones safe this summer.
Kid Safe Summer breaks down into three categories of safety – water, sun and on-the-move. The new campaign includes local advertising on websites, news sites, radio stations and SnapChat, as well as a robust social media campaign, free educational webinars and media relations efforts.
Water Safety focuses on drowning, the leading cause of injury-related deaths for children under five years old. In May, we took to the pool with NBC Los Angeles and Telemundo 52 to share water safety tips. F5SB Executive Director Karen Scott and other water safety experts spoke to the reporter about the ABCs of Water Safety, how to be an active water watcher and the proper use of a personal flotation device. A Water Safety web page was created on our website that shares all this crucial information.
We all know that summer temperatures in San Bernardino County can burn, dehydrate and can even be fatal. Heatstroke deaths are the leading cause of non-crash-related auto fatalities for children ages 14 and younger. Our Sun Safety messages urge parents and caregivers to “look before you lock,” by always checking the back seat before you exit the vehicle. Other materials also help families brush up on their knowledge of heat and sun damage, as well as proper hydration.
The month of July focuses on On-the-Move Safety. More time with family and being outside in the summer means more time on the road and playing with bikes, trikes, scooters and other ride-on toys. California law requires proper car seat and helmet usage, so our On-the-Move Safety resources range from helpful tips and links to videos on proper car seat installation and the bike helmet fit test.
In partnership with Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital and Safe Kids IE, F5SB hosted a series of free, educational webinars in support of Kid Safe Summer initiatives. Dozens of parents and caretakers in San Bernardino County tuned in for informational sessions on head trauma, sun, water and car seat safety. They are available on demand at no cost at First5SanBernardino.org.
The health and development of San Bernardino County’s children is our priority. We are here to provide resources and to support our County’s families to help keep our children safe this summer and beyond.