Drowning is the leading causes of injury-related death for children under 5. Know the ABCs of Water Safety and never leave a child unsupervised around water.
First 5 San Bernardino Water Safety on NBC Los Angeles.
Kicking off the hot summer months, Executive Director Karen Scott was featured on NBC Los Angeles discussing the importance of water safety for our little ones. She reminds parents and caregivers to be an active supervisor while children are swimming by practicing the ABCs of water safety. A free webinar with more information on water safety can be accessed here.
Haga clic aquí para ver un segmento en Telemundo 52 sobre la seguridad en el agua
ABCs of Water Safety
“A” stands for active adult supervision. Children should always be supervised by a designated “water watcher” when playing in the pool.
“B” stands for barriers; proper fencing, enclosures, latches, locks and alarms around the area of water should be actively used when children are nearby without supervision
Learn all about pool fencing and barriers at https://www.poolfenceguide.com/
“C” is for classes; CPR programs are available to adults through the Red Cross, fire departments or other community organizations. Swimming lessons are offered for children and adults throughout the county through parks and recreation departments or many YMCAs.
Water Watcher Tag
Download and print your own “water watcher tag” here.

If you have kids, consider enrolling them in swim lessons—it’s an investment in their safety and well-being. Check out this list of swim lessons in your area.
Use the Proper Flotation Gear
Did you know that inflatable “floaties” are not safe for toddlers and young children for swimming? They are not a substitute for U.S. Coast Guard approved life jackets and can give children and parents a false sense of security.
Look for U.S. Coast Guard approved life jackets or “puddle jumpers” for small children in a pool, and of course, whenever in boat. But never use a flotation device as a stand-in for active supervision. You’re always your child’s best lifeguard. No device will ever provide the drowning prevention protection that you can.
Only use baby and toddler pool floats when you are in the water with your child. Remember these devices can give kids a false sense of confidence in the water.