Hot temperatures, fun in the water and more time on-the-go present a set of dangers for kids that aren’t as common in other seasons. First 5 San Bernardino has brought back its Kid Safe Summer campaign to help remind parents and caregivers how to keep babies and young children safe in the summer months.
From May to July, First 5 San Bernardino is sharing important reminders, helpful tips, tools and resources to help our families know how to keep kids safe, healthy and happy when school is out.
Kid Safe Summer English and Spanish messages on water safety, sun safety and on-the-move safety will be shared on billboards, websites, radio stations, news sites, social media and more.
Water safety focuses on drowning, the leading cause of injury-related deaths for children under 5 years old. Last May, we took to the pool with NBC Los Angeles and Telemundo 52 to share water safety tips. What’s important to know are the ABCs of Water Safety, how to be an active water watcher and the proper use of a personal flotation device. Our water safety web page shares all this crucial information and more.
In San Bernardino County, it can get hot! Heatstroke deaths are the leading cause of non-crash-related auto fatalities for children ages 14 and younger. Our sun safety messages urge parents and caregivers to “look before you lock,” by always checking the back seat before you exit the vehicle. Other messages help families brush up on their knowledge of heat and sun damage, as well as proper hydration.
On-the-move safety is always important, but especially in the summer when more time is spent outside either in a car or playing with bikes, trikes, scooters and other ride-on toys. California law requires proper car seat and helmet use, so our on-the-move safety resources share videos on proper car seat installation and how to institute the bike helmet fit test before play time.
Want to learn more helpful Kid Safe Summer tips? Visit the campaign webpage at Kid Safe Summer – first5sanbernardino.