Picture of Karen Scott

Karen E. Scott

Karen Scott is the Executive Director of the Children and Families Commission – First 5 San Bernardino, a funding organization of services for children prenatal through age 5, by investing revenue received from Prop 10, a tobacco tax initiative in California.

Ms. Scott’s education and background is in Public Administration and Administration of Justice, and she has worked in the realm of Human Services for San Bernardino County since 1977.  Karen has served as Executive Director of First 5 San Bernardino for nearly 17 years leading the organization’s efforts to promote, support and enhance the health and early development of children, prenatal through age 5 through coordinated and comprehensive systems of care that strengthen children, families and communities, ensuring children are safe, healthy and ready to enter and succeed in school.

KimKim Browder
Business Support Manager
IlianaIleana Conley
Accountant II
DeboraDebora Dickerson-Sims
Chief Financial Officer
LuCretiaLuCretia Dowdy
Community Engagement Specialist
CindyCindy Faulkner
Assistant Director
WillmarWillmar Gultom
Accountant II
TraciTraci Homan
Executive Assistant
WendyWendy Lee, Psy.D.
Systems Integration Officer
HopeHope Nelson
Accountant III
Scott McGrath Scott McGrath
Deputy Director, Systems and Impact
ErinErin Meier
Administrative Supervisor I, Evaluation and Programs
GeorgeGeorge Potts
Fiscal Assistant
Iffat-QuaziIffat Quazi
Staff Analyst II
RonnieRonnie Robinson
Staff Analyst II
Joshua RocheJoshua Roche
Statistical Analyst
RayRay Salamat
Staff Analyst II
KimberlyKimberly VandenBosch
Communications Officer