Serving Children Through Fiscal Expertise

While people know First 5 San Bernardino for the work we do with our partner organizations in San Bernardino County, most rarely see the robust behind-the-scenes work being done that helps us to do this important work. That’s where extraordinary employees like Arminda Loewenstein come in.
Arminda, known to all of us as Hope, has been with First 5 San Bernardino for approaching three years and brings more than 10 years of finance experience to her role as Accountant III. As part of our fiscal team, she is responsible for many aspects of the organization’s financial responsibilities. From contract accounting to audit schedules and ensuring compliance with state and county standards, Hope’s work helps ensure F5SB has the funds needed to deliver quality programs and educational content to our community.
Hope started her career with the County as an accounting technician in San Bernardino County’s Department of Preschool Services, and her interest in serving young children and families led her to First 5 San Bernardino, where she hopes she’ll be for a very long time. She believes wholeheartedly in the organization’s mission, saying, “The work First 5 San Bernardino does, especially our public outreach campaigns, is so important. I really love the Kid Safe Summer campaign! What hits home for me is the safety messages that we share with the county.”
“Hope is always excited to learn and thinks from an analytical perspective,” said her supervisor, First 5 San Bernardino Chief Financial Officer Debora Dickerson-Sims. “Having recently been promoted, she continues to shine with her hard work and reliability. We’re so happy to have Hope in the fiscal department,” Dickerson-Sims concluded.
Hope also shared that to her, it’s the staff that makes First 5 San Bernardino such a great place to work. “The experience at First 5 San Bernardino is fabulous, and I am not overstating it. Everyone is so friendly,” she said.
Thank you, Hope, for the work you do for our team. You really embody what makes First 5 San Bernardino a fabulous place to work.